The Weight of a Mountain

2 min readJun 10, 2022


The sun was shining brightly, but it had little effect on the cold biting wind and swirling snow so common to this area. It was tucked away in the mountain, so remote an area as to not easily be found. Wards had been placed to make it hard to detect, but those wards meant little for those who already knew where it was. Though they magically obfuscated detection, the physical location remained unchanged. Enchantments already on her person kept the wind and snow away, the air immediately around a comfortable warmth that was undisturbed by encroaching chills. A charm necklace was newly set about her neck, similar to the wards about this place. It kept her hidden from outward prying or searching eyes, and she did not intend to be seen by any phantoms or scrying magic for the foreseeable future.

Her own vision rose forward on the wind then, her magic taking it inside the mountain and the home hidden within. Ensuring first that there was no one inside, then returning back to where she stood outside the mountain, a few hundred feet distant. The distance was intentional, easily traversed by her small golden friend. She made a motion with her hand and Topey bounded off across the snow. He was light enough to not even leave much for footprints in his wake, the wind soon taking care of whatever small indents might have been left behind otherwise.

As he neared, he burrowed down in to the ground before coming back up inside the abode. Another investigation of the interior commenced as he ensured there was no one inside, and then he began his work in earnest. With four paws pressed firmly to the ground, aether started to swirl slowly around. It started subtly at first, a gentle rumble in the ground beneath. Quickly that rumble grew to shake, furniture thrown far and wide with the steadily increasing tremors. The ground started to melt to slag, the walls joining soon after as the ceiling started to give way, sending boulders tumbling freely down in to fill the space, melting together as the mountain itself settled to fill the space that had previously existed. The rocks continued melting together, as though to ensure that anything that had been left behind would be thoroughly lost.

A resounding cracked filled the surrounding area, loud enough to make her wince. Even from this distance she could see the small rift that had been made in the mountain, a small cleft above where the abode had previously existed. Topey appeared back at her side as she watched a small landslide their magic had started, an incidental consequence to collapsing a mountain. She watched until the rocks had all ceased their motion before her hands rose to cast. Intricate runes filled the air, then flew to arrange themselves in a circle on the ground. The magic activated and she and Topey were teleported far away from this place, the scowl she had worn for days abating just a little.

